Celebrating 50 years of action for clean water
Tell Congress to vote no on CRA Resolution

Dear Friend,

The Clean Water Act is once again under attack by polluters and their allies in Congress. Take action today to save the Clean Water Act!

On February 28, the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee voted to eliminate the Biden administration's Clean Water Restoration Rule. The Clean Water Restoration Rule is a modest return to longstanding approaches for defining “Waters of the United States.” Eliminating this rule would not only allow unregulated pollution to damage critical ecosystems, but it also would damage the many downstream communities that rely on clean water. The water bodies at risk include streams that feed the drinking water sources for millions of people. Gutting commonsense clean water protections leaves us all vulnerable to the harms of pollution.

Some members in Congress are pushing to overturn the Clean Water Restoration Rule using the Congressional Review Act (CRA), a legislative tool that allows Congress to invalidate a recently-finalized agency rule and prevent any future administration from issuing a rule that is “substantially the same.” The CRA is an incredibly blunt and dangerous tool with the potential to eliminate significant environmental and public health protections.

The House of Representatives could vote on this resolution to eliminate clean water protections as early as next, Tuesday, March 7th, and the Senate could vote on the resolution a few days later. Now is the time to remind Congress to prioritize our families and communities over polluters.

Please urge your Representative and Senator to vote NO on the CRA resolution to eliminate the clean water protections by clicking HERE.

Thank you for taking action to protect clean water and honor the integrity of the Clean Water Act!

For Clean Water,

Jennifer Peters
Water Programs Director


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